Hug a Friend Day 2024

Hug a Friend Day! Take time to wrap your arms around someone special (with consent as always) – you just might help brighten their day. Whether in person, online, or over the phone, today is the perfect day to show your friends you care. I normally don’t like lots of physical touch, but today if you need a hug you get a hug.

How big of a hug do you need today?

DNA Day 2024

DNA Day honors the day in 1953 when Rosalind Franklin (along with Watson, Crick, and others) published papers in NATURE on the structure of DNA, as well as the completion in 2003 of the Human Genome Project.

However you celebrate, use caution when genetically resurrecting dinosaurs for your theme park. At the very least, spare no expense.

Noise Awareness Day 2024

Noise Awareness Day – turn down the volume, put on noise-cancelling headphones, improve your health: studies say noise/noise pollution contributes to hearing loss, leading to social isolation, depression, and an increased risk of falls. We need quiet, and while we’re at it, let’s ban leaf blowers.

Movie Theater Day 2024

Go soon to a theater near you – it’s Movie Theater Day. Let’s all go to the lobby and get ourselves a treat, and as we settle into our seats there’s that indescribable feeling we get when the lights begin to dim and we go somewhere we’ve never been before. Sit back, relax, silence your cell phones, and enjoy the summertime blockbuster or midnight cult classic with popcorn and a Coke.

Have a movie theater story? Tell me in the comments!

Jelly Bean Day 2024

It’s National Jelly Bean Day! Time to enjoy these candies in all their flavors, including one of my favorites: the black jelly bean. Do you have a favorite flavor?

Mushrooms, a Mushy Brain, and Music

I’ll be honest right up front: the last half of this last week has not been the best for me mentally. I’m okay, just understand that this post might not be as upbeat as normal. Then again, maybe it will be, and the writing of this post will be good for all of us. Anyway, I have pizza and chips and a ginger ale and Scooby Doo Meets Laurel and Hardy is playing on the TV so let’s sit down and chat a bit.

Continue reading “Mushrooms, a Mushy Brain, and Music”

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